32 Doctoral Students from 11 Nationalities Admitted to HKUST through Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has admitted 32 doctoral students from 11 nationalities across 4 continents to pursue PhD programs under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) offered by the Research Grants Council (RGC).
This is the first year HKPFS is introduced and among the 106 students awarded scholarships 32 has opted to study at HKUST – the largest number among local tertiary institutions.
“We are delighted that as much as one-third of the Fellowship awardees coming to Hong Kong have opted for HKUST. This testifies to the well-deserved reputation that our University enjoys in global academia, particularly in our strength in research. We are fully committed to providing these students with a quality education that will benefit them for life,” said HKUST Provost Prof Wei Shyy.
The students admitted to HKUST this year represent 11 nationalities – namely China, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Iran, Greece, the Czech Republic, Germany, Nigeria and the USA.
8 of them are in the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, 6 in Computer Science and Engineering, 5 in Physics, while the others are in other Science and Engineering disciplines, apart from one who is in Humanities.
Mr Adetoyese Olajire Oyedun, from Nigeria, is pursuing research in bio-diesel and mixed waste treatment. “I have a keen interest in this area because with the continued growth in global population and the consequential increase in the demand for fuel and waste management, the issues are causing grave concern. I trust that my research work at HKUST will enable me to make contribution to humankind,” he said.
Mr Xiaolong Chen, from Mainland China, is pursuing research into nano science. He noted, “Nano science and technology is a cutting edge discipline, and one of the renowned areas of excellence at HKUST. It is also a research area that will bring fundamental improvements to the life of people all over the world. I do hope that my research will contribute towards advance in this discipline.”
More information about applying for admission to HKUST through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme is available through this link: http://pg.ust.hk/hkpfs/web/index.php