The MPhil is a research degree and the program is designed to prepare students for teaching, further postgraduate studies, or advanced work in industry. In fulfilling the degree requirements, the student is expected to undertake the required course work, attend and present seminars, and conduct thesis research.
During the first two semesters, a full-time student is expected to register in a combined total of 12 credits or more of graduate courses (see physics PG courses offered by the Physics Department). A student with a first degree in an area other than Physics may be required to take additional courses.
In addition, an MPhil student is required to register in PHYS 6000 Physics Seminar and PHYS 6770 Professional Development in Science (Physics) for two semesters. Student should register in PHYS 6990 MPhil Thesis Research as soon as possible. In the final stage of research, the student is required to submit a thesis to the Department and subsequently present and defend it. Any student who has performed unsatisfactorily will be asked to re-submit and/or re-defend the thesis. A student is allowed a total of two attempts at passing the thesis examination.