Yilong HAN 韓一龍

Yilong HAN 韓一龍


PhD in Physics
Research Interests
Complex and disordered systems
Soft matter physics
Statistical physics

Professor Yilong Han obtained his BS degree (1998) from the Peking University (Beijing University) and PhD degree (2003) from the University of Chicago. He was a postdoc fellow (2004-2007) at the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the Physics department of HKUST in 2007. He received the School of Science Research Award in (2012), the OCPA Achievement in Asia Award (2014), the second prize of Natural Science Awards from Ministry of Education in China (2014), and 14th Chinese Young Scientist Award (2016). He is one of the founding members of The Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences.

Professor Han’s main research interests include soft condensed matter physics focus on structures, interactions and dynamics in colloids, using video microscopy to study phase transitions such as crystal melting, freezing, solid-solid transitions and glass transitions in colloidal model systems. Other research interests include granular materials and statistical physics focus on complex-network analysis of phase-space structures of spin systems.


Representative Publications

  • "Polymorphic crystalline wetting layers on crystal surfaces", Xipeng Wang, Bo Li, Mengmeng Li and Yilong Han, Nat. Phys., 19, 700-705 (2023).

  • "Surface premelting and melting of colloidal glasses", Qi Zhang, Wei Li, Kaiyao Qiao, and Yilong Han, Sci. Adv., 9, eadf1101 (2023).

  • "Compression-induced polycrystal-glass transition in binary crystals", Huijun Zhang and Yilong Han, Phys. Rev. X, 8, 041023 (2018).

  • "Modes of surface premelting in attractive colloidal crystals", Bo Li, Feng Wang, Di Zhou, Yi Peng, Ran Ni, and Yilong Han, Nature, 531, 485 (2016). 

  • "Two-step nucleation mechanisms in solid-solid phase transitions", Yi Peng, Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Ahemd Alsayed, Zexin Zhang, Arjun Yodh and Yilong Han, Nature Materials, 14, 101 (2015). 

  • "Imaging the homogenous nucleation during the melting of superheated colloidal crystals", Z.-R. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Peng, Z. Zheng, and Y. Han, Science 338, 87 (2012).

  • "Glass transitions in quasi-two-dimensional suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids", Z. Zheng, F. Wang and Y. Han, Physical Review Letters 107, 065702 (2011). 

  • "Phase-space networks of geometrically frustrated systems", Y. Han, Physical Review E 80, 051102, (2009).

  • "Geometrical frustration in buckled monolayers of spheres", Y. Han, Y. Shokef, A.M. Alsayed, P. Yunker, T.C. Lubensky and A.G. Yodh, Nature 456, 898 (2008).

  • "Brownian motion of an ellipsoid", Y. Han, A.M. Alsayed, M. Nobili, J. Zhang, T.C. Lubensky, and A.G. Yodh, Science 314, 626-630 (2006).

  • "Configurational temperatures and interactions in charge-stabilized colloid", Y. Han and D. G. Grier J. Chem. Phys. 122, 064907, 1-14 (2005)

  • "Vortex rings in a constant electric field", Y. Han and D. G. Grier Nature 424, 267-268 (2003); erratum Nature 424, 510 (2003)


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