Prof Jiannong Wang obtained her BSc degree at Xian Jiao Tong University in China in 1982, MPhil degree at Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science in 1986, and PhD degree at H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK in 1990. She stayed at H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory from 1990 to 1992 as a postdoc research assistant and then joined the Physics Dept, the University of Nottingham, UK as a post-doctoral research associate from 1992 to 1994. In October 1994, she joined the Physics Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as an assistant professor. Now, she is a full professor in the Physics Physics Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Professor Jiannong Wang's main research interests include physics of semiconductors quantum structures focus on magneto-transport and -optical properties of 3D topological insulators and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. She is also interested in material physics of thin film and organic solar cells and multifunctional oxide nanostructures.
Representative Publications
- “Origin of bias-independent conductance plateaus and zero-bias conductance peaks in Bi2Se3/NbSe2 hybrid structures” Hui Li, Tong Zhou1 Jun He, Huan-Wen Wang, Huachen Zhang, Hong-Chao Liu, Ya Yi, Changming Wu, Kam Tuen Law, Hongtao He, and Jiannong Wang Phys. Rev. B 96 075107 (2017)
- “Optoelectronic devices on AlGaN/GaN HEMT platform” Baikui Li, Xi Tang, Jiannong Wang, and Kevin J. Chen, Phys. Status Solidi A, 213, No. 5, 1213–1221 (2016) Invited Article
- “Negative magnetoresistance in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2” Hui Li, Hongtao He, Hai-Zhou Lu, Huachen Zhang, Hongchao Liu, Rong Ma, Zhiyong Fan, Shun-Qing Shen and Jiannong Wang, Nature Communications, 7, 10301 (2016)
- “A study of lateral Schottky contacts in WSe2 and MoS2 field effect transistors using scanning photocurrent microscopy” Ya Yi, Changming Wu, Hongchao Liu, Jiali Zeng, Hongtao He and Jiannong Wang, Nanoscale, 7, pp15711–15718 (2015)
- “Two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface of a Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructures” Qing Lin He, Hongchao Liu, Mingquan He, Ying Hoi Lai, Hongtao He, Gan Wang, Kam Tuen Law, Rolf Lortz, Jiannong Wang and Iam Keong Sou, Nature Communications, 5, 4247 (2014)
- “Impurity effect on weak anti-localization in topological insulator Bi2Te3” Hong-Tao He, Gan Wang, Tao Zhang, George K. L. Wong, Iam-Keong Sou, Jiannong Wang, Hai-Zhou Lu, Shun-Qing Shen, and Fu-Chun Zhang, Phys Rev. Lett. 106 166805 (2011)