Congratulations to Long Him Cheung, Wan Zhen Chua, Mang Hei Gordon Lee, Gowtham Amirthya Neppoleon and Lingbang Zhu (l-r) for being awarded 2019 Academic Achievement Medals. The Academic Achievement Medal is the highest academic honor bestowed by the University on outstanding undergraduate students upon graduation. The awarding of the Medal was established in 1994 to recognize graduates whose outstanding academic achievements bring honor and distinction both to themselves and to the University. Only the top 2-3% of graduates are awarded the Academic Achievement Medal annually. These awards were presented at the 27th University Congregation on 8 November 2019. We are proud of all of our graduates, and are especially delighted in the achievements of the Academic Achievement Medal awardees.
Mr. Cheung is pursuing a PhD degree in Physics at the University of Maryland. Ms. Chua is pursuing a MSc degree in theoretical physics within the Perimeter Scholars International Program at the Perimeter Institute. Mr. Lee is pursuing a MASt degree in Applied Mathematics at Cambridge University. Mr. Neppoleon is pursuing the MPhil degree in Physics at HKUST. Mr. Zhu is pursuing the PhD degree in Chemical Physics at Harvard University.