2019 Service Award for Undergraduate Physics Students


The Department of Physics sets Service Award for Undergraduate Physics Students to promote the spirit of service among the Physics students. Priority will be given to those who served their fellow Physics students, the Physics Department, or the community in the capacity of Physics students. The total amount of the award is up to HK$20,000 annually.

We are pleased to announce that the 2019 Physics Service Award will be given to Wai Ki WONG.

Wai Ki WONG (3rd year Physics UG student2019 Physics Service Award

“For his outstanding service and leadership in the initiative of forming the new Physics Students’ Association.”


For the details of the award, please check the HKUST Physics UG Scholarship website: http://physics.ust.hk/scholarship/index.html

Congratulations to our students for their achievements.

Sincerely yours,


Prof. Penger Tong

Head, Department of Physics

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology