Prof. Shengwang Du Was Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)


Congratulations to faculty members in the Department of Physics for important recognition of their research achievements.

Prof. Shengwang Du (left) was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) upon nomination by the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Prof. Du was cited “for significant contributions to photon-atom quantum interaction, including generation and manipulation of narrowband biphotons, and for the realization of efficient quantum memory, observation of optical precursors, and demonstration of nontraditional quantum heat engines.” The APS Fellowship Program was established to recognize members who have made exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise through outstanding research, leadership or service, or application of physics to science and technology. Each year, no more than 0.5% of the total APS membership is elected for Fellowship after a rigorous and competitive review process. 

Prof. Ding Pan (right) was the recipient of a Deep Carbon Observatory Emerging Leader Award in 2019. The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is a global community of more than 1000 scientists whose quest is to understand the quantities, movements, forms and origins of carbon in Earth with support from the Sloan Foundation.  These DCO awards honor early career researchers for their distinguished performance and unique potential as leaders of the deep carbon science community. The awards have been bestowed on two to four outstanding early career scientists each year since 2015. The 2019 recipients were selected through a highly competitive process.