Michael Kwok Yee WONG 王國彝

Michael Kwok Yee WONG 王國彝

Michael Kwok Yee

PhD in Physics
Professor Emeritus
Program Director of MSc Program in Data-Driven Modeling
Research Area
Complex and disordered systems
Complex optimization
Computational neuroscience
Machine learning
Statistical and nonlinear physics

Professor Michael Wong obtained his BSc degree from the University of Hong Kong and his MSc and PhD degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles. He did his post-doctoral research in Imperial College London and the University of Oxford. He joined the Department of Physics of HKUST in 1992. In 2005, he received the School of Science Teaching Award of HKUST.


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Representative Publications

  • “Complementary Congruent and Opposite Neurons Achieve Concurrent Multisensory Integration and Segregation”, Wen-Hao Zhang, He Wang, Aihua Chen, Yong Gu, Tai Sing Lee, K. Y. Michael Wong, and Si Wu, eLife 43753 (2019).

  • “From the Physics of Interacting Polymers to Optimizing Routes on the London Underground”, Chi Ho Yeung, David Saad and K. Y. Michael Wong, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 13717-22 (2013).

  • “Dynamical Synapses Enhance Neural Information Processing: Gracefulness, Accuracy, and Mobility”, C. C. Alan Fung, K. Y. Michael Wong, He Wang, and Si Wu, Neural Computation 24, 1147-1185 (2012).

  • “A Moving Bump in a Continuous Manifold: A Comprehensive Study of the Tracking Dynamics of Continuous Attractor Neural Networks”, C. C. Alan Fung, K. Y. Michael Wong, and Si Wu, Neural Computation 22, 752-792 (2010).

  • “Inference and Optimization of Real Edges on Sparse Graphs - A Statistical Physics Perspective”, K. Y. M. Wong and D. Saad, Phys. Rev. E 76, 011115 (2007).

  • “A Dynamic Call Admission Policy with Precision QoS Guarantee Using Stochastic Control for Mobile Wireless Networks”, S. Wu, K. Y. M. Wong and B. Li, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking 10, 257-271 (2002).

  • “Statistical Mechanics of Image Restoration and Error-Correcting Codes”, H. Nishimori and K. Y. Michael Wong, Phys. Rev. E 60, 132-144 (1999).

  • “Microscopic Equations and Stability Conditions in Optimal Neural Networks”, K. Y. M. Wong, Europhys. Lett. 30, 245-250 (1995).

  • “Intensively Connected Spin Glasses: Towards a Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Solution of the Ground State”, K. Y. M. Wong and D. Sherrington, J. Phys. A 21, L459-L466 (1988).

  • “Graph Bipartitioning and Spin Glasses on a Random Network of Fixed Finite Valence”, K. Y. M. Wong and D. Sherrington, J. Phys. A 20, L793-L799 (1987).

Full Publication List [HKUST Scholarly Publications]